Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I went and saw the much anticipated "Shame" yesterday at the Kabuki Sundance Theaters on Post Street. The story of a so-called sex addict in oh so stimulating Manhattan, it stars a frequently naked Michael Fassbender and a frequently makeup-smeared Carey Mulligan as brother and sister both suffering from a crippling loneliness manifested in very different ways. Unfortunately we never find out where their pain comes from, we only see the symptoms. Those symptoms include random sex and inappropriate sex and dangerous sex, etc.  I think the Director Steve McQueen cast two terrific actors (and a strong supporting cast especially James Badge Dale) in great performances but totally dropped the ball on the story. I left the theater thinking all the hype was much ado about nothing. A surprise highlight though is Carey Mulligan singing a stripped down version of "New York, New York."  That was brilliant.

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