Sunday, November 6, 2011

Intelligent Children

I've owned the book "Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages" by Harold Bloom for at least two years.  I'd read maybe two or three poems in it. Last night, I picked it up and started reading the introduction. An hour later I was emotionally, physically, spiritually free! Instead of gushing, I'm simply going to share a quote from the introduction, one of many wonderful, hopeful, insightful snippets from Mr. Bloom:
"The romance of reading, like all experiential romance, depends upon enchantment, and enchantment relies upon the potential of power rather than upon complete knowledge. You are unlikely to fall in love with someone, however charming such a person may be, if you have known one another all your lives. What you can know fully will not induce you to fall in love, so that falling in love with a book is not wholly unlike falling in love with a person."

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