Saturday, November 12, 2011

What's Your Noise

Everywhere you go,
From house to street to row,
From the ground to the water to the air
From fort to shack to lair,
Everything makes a sound:
Up, down and all around
That's sound.

A pip, a burp, a plop and a squeak
A tittle, a tattle, a drop and a leak.
A chewy, a spit, a kachunk and a squeal
A louie, a gasp, a perplunk, and a deal.
Everything makes a sound
Above and below ground.
Yes, that's sound.

What's your noise?
Do you huff when you're upset?
Are you gruff when all wet?
Do you smile when told a riddle?
Tap your feet at the stroke of a fiddle?
Is there a noise for you?
Does your noise rings true?

Your noise could be as low as a wisp
Or warm and soothing and brisk
It could be as loud as a rocket ship
Blasting off for yet another moon trip.

What's your noise?
Mine goes like this:


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